Future Anoyon High School

Previous image Next image Ocular visit by Mayor Dionisio Neil Balite together with the representative of the Japanese Embassy- Ms. Maria Carissa Anticamara, District Supervisor Cerlito Romero, Kagawad Rammel Cagulada, Head of MPDC Kim Galacio on the permanent site of the future Anoyon High School. #BarugValencia #AnoyonHighSchool #SerbisyongNaglagitBalite #OcularVisit

News for the Month of April 2023

Calling All Chainsaw Operators of Valencia for General Assembly at Astrodome on May 11, 2023, 9:00am in the morning. Previous image Next image Ocular visit by Mayor Dionisio Neil Balite on the ongoing opening of the provincial road from barangay Marawis to Batuan today, April 26, 2023. #BarugValencia #OcularVisit #SerbisyongNaglagitiBaliteCourtesy Meeting with the new PCG (Philippine continue reading : News for the Month of April 2023

Consultative Meeting with Garcia-Hernandez and Valencia

Consultative Meeting of Municipal Officials of Garcia – Hernandez and Valencia, Bohol re: Municipal Boundary Dispute Issue particularly Balitbiton portion (Anas, Valencia and Malinao, Garcia – Hernandez) today, April 3, 2023 at 1:00PM at SB Session Hall, Garcia – Hernandez, Bohol. #ConsultativeMeeting #BarugValencia #SerbisyongNaglagitiBalite  Previous image Next image

Protecting Our Shores

Previous image Next image Captured on March 25, 2023, Coastal Clean-up with Mayor Dionisio Neil Balite at Canmanico, Valencia together with the VTVHS. Join us for a transformative Coastal Cleanup event where we come together to protect and restore our precious coastal ecosystems. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and ensure continue reading : Protecting Our Shores

Canlusong Fire!

Previous image Next image Captured on March 23, 2023 as Mayor Dionisio Neil Balite rushed to Canlusong, Valencia after hearing that there was a fire happening.   Disclaimer: No citizens or anyone present at the location of Canlusong were hurt   #BarugValencia #SerbisyongNaglagitiBalite #AMayorThatActs

Blessed to Bless Others

Previous image Next image Blessed to Bless Others On January 7, 2023, Municipal Mayor Dionisio Neil A. Balite celebrated his special day in our love town Valencia, Bohol. He is beyond grateful to God for an added year to know, love, and serve Him more. God blessed him for the realization and success in the continue reading : Blessed to Bless Others